On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Richard Ellis wrote:

> > Uh, -G to set the maximum GOP size looks very strange - a GOP size
> > of 54 is *way* out of bounds for any format I know of that will be
> It works just peachy for a Hollywood+ em8300 hardware playback card. 

        Ah, ok.   I was really wondering about what a person would
        use -G 54 for.

> switch.  Using gop length of 54 shrinks the resultant video size a
> wee bit due to fewer I frames.  The command line is what I use for

        How little is 'wee' bit?  There are other ways to shrink
        the video size :)

> Ok, new run, with this command line:
> lav2yuv t.cut | mpeg2enc.cvs.2003.11.04 -f 5 -V 230 -b 9576 -q 10 -H
> -R 0 -o t.m2v
> Same result, with this gdb backtrace (gcc 3.3.1 was the compiler this
> time, CVS was pulled today (Nov 7 at about 11am EDT):

        Oh darn - back to the drawing board ;(

        Thing to do is go thru the remaining options and see if leaving
        them out one by one changes the behaviour.

        Try removing the -H first.

> Core was generated by `mpeg2enc.cvs.2003.11.04 -f 5 -V 230 -b 9576 -q
> 10 -H -R 0 -o t.m2v'.
> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> #0  quant_non_intra_sse (wsp=0x40871008, src=0x40b74008, dst=0x40be5008, 
>     q_scale_type=1, satlim=2047, nonsat_mquant=0x40c5602c)
>     at quantize_x86.c:309
> 309                     mulps_m2r( *(mmx_t*)&piqf[0], xmm2 );

        The problem would seem to be in accessing the  non intra quant
        tables.    That would be related to -H perhaps.

        The other thing to try might be encoding to DVD format with 
        -f 8 .   Try the default -b (which is 7500 for DVD)s.

        There's obviously something weird going on with user specified SVCD
        creation - at least that's my hunch.    Finding something which
        works (and I use the cvs version all the time for standard DVD and
        CVD creation) and then moving back up to find which option breaks

        Steven Schultz

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