On Maw, 2003-06-10 at 22:36, Ronald Bultje wrote:
> Hey Jon,
> On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 22:16, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
> > Honestly I wish that as soon as the Kernels hit .0-preX that Linus would
> > simply hand off the testing to someone who is better at stability and work
> > on the next development revision.
> Care to explain why? I've seen little reason to be unhappy, apart from
> unapplied personal patches (probably because my patch description isn't
> optimal yet, I'll resubmit shortly after Dublin).

Linus isnt the greatest stable tree maintainer and fine detail patch
fixer-upper. He'd agree with that sentiment I'm sure. The current plan
is for something much like you describe to occur for 2.5 going into 2.6

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