rbroman wrote:
> My system is a 2p Xeon with an Iomega BUZ card. I'm running RH8.0
> with custom 2.4.20 kernel. I've compiled and installed driver-zoran,
> jpeg-mmx, avifile, quicktime4linux, libmovtar and mjpegtools-1.6.1.
> It took me a while to get it right, but it now appears the compile and
> install was successful.
> I can record and play back AVI but not Quicktime. With Quicktime
> I get the error below. Appreciate tips on what's wrong ..
Which quicktime4linux do you use ?

I hope you use the quicktime4linux-1.4-patched-2.tar.gz aviable from the
mjpeg file area if you have a mjpegtools pacakge 1.6.* 
An when running configure try adding the path to to the version of the
patched quicktime4linux.

If you use CVS you can also use the CVS version of the libquicktime
project http://libquicktime.sourceforge.net

Take a look at that mail: 

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rbroman]# lavrec -f q -i N -d 1 -q 80 -s -l 80 -R l -U -t
> 10 record.mov

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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