On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 19:20, Tyler Geddes wrote:
> know!). However, I have hit a stumbling block- there seems to be no way 
> to convert from dv (type 2 avi or otherwise) to mjpeg! dv2jpg, a nice 
> script, is defunct. I was recommended by Kino people to use the 
> SMILUtils to convert, but the fail all the time, and they don't seem to 
> be able to pipe to a tool in the mjpegtools that would give me a file 
> glav can read. Transcode and mencoder don't work either- transcode seems 
> geared toward divx, and mencoder uses ffmpeg, which has a buggy mjpeg 
> library. Is there any way to do this?

Tyler, I would seriously reconsider converting your DV files to MJPEG as
the quality will be diminished. Any further processing will diminish the
quality even further. I too was miffed by kino when I first started
doing dv editing and I thought it would be simpler if I could just use
glav to edit chop up my dv files, but that was not an option.

I am probably just as fast editing with kino now, maybe even faster than
I ever was with glav. I record anywhere from 2-4 hours of TV everyday
and I use kino to cut out the commercials. If this takes more than a
couple of minutes per show, it gets very tedious. I don't need
transitions, fades, wipes or anything fancy. Just straight cuts, which
kino can do very easily once you get used to the key combinations.

Even faster yet, I have my kino using a Shuttlepro controller with all
the edit buttons, plus a multispeed jog/shuttle. You can see what I mean


As far as I know, glav does not have an option for an external
controller like this (although honestly I haven't used glav in a very
long time).

Anyway, my whole point is, give kino a chance. It works very well for
me, although I hated the interface when I first started using it. The
"mark in, mark out" way to work makes much more since than kino's
strange "split, split, backup, delete" method.

Hope it help, Aaron Newsome

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