Hello, everyone here!

Disclaimer: I know nothing about technical side of wireless security and
wireless networking in general.

I'm sitting in a caffee with a protected wireless network available for
clients. I was told the NWID and KEY settings, and I try to connect with

"ifconfig iwn0 nwid NWID wpakey KEY"

which doesn't get me connected.

I booted to linux and using "iwlist" I found out that network uses WPA1 with
PSK akms and TKIP both as pairwise and group cipher. As I know that these
settings are supported on OpenBSD, I rebooted to OpenBSD and got connected
with a command:

nwid "La Esquina" chan 6 bssid 00:1c:f0:b1:80:f4 209dB 54M 

So, my questions are:

1. how can I determine the settings of the protected wireless network I
connect to? In linux I can run "iwlist ifname scan" which will give me
protection details. What can I do on OpenBSD to get them (ifconfig ifname scan
doesn't give detailed information)?

2. As I read on "man ifconfig", the defaults are:

akms psk
wpaciphers tkip,ccmp
wpagroupcipher tkip
wpaprotos wpa1,wpa2

Why don't I get connected to the network described above with just specifying

Thanks in advance.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff

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