On 2011-02-16, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff <czark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 01:33:12AM -0500, Ted Unangst wrote:
>> you shouldn't need to specify tkip, it's the default.  wpa1 is also
>> enabled by default.
> That was my initial point. As of the string:
> ifconfig iwn0 nwid "La Esquina" wpaakms psk wpaciphers tkip wpagroupcipher 
> tkip wpaprotos wpa1 wpakey "laesquina085"
>                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> copies the defaults (omitting second alternatives in case of ciphers), but
> leaving them out and specifying only:
> ifconfig iwn0 nwid "La Esquina" wpakey "laesquina085"
> doesn't get me connected, while the full line does.
> And the other point was that I can't find a way to find out the proper
> settings for wpaakms, wpaciphers, wpagroupcipher and wpaprotos without
> asking anyone, while this seems to be possible as linux's iwlist does it.

Perhaps we think that the AP supports wpa2 but it is actually broken
and only wpa1 works.

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