On 12/15/10 18:31, Ted Unangst wrote:
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Snoop<sn...@email.it>  wrote:
Already recompiled the kernel and the whole userland approximately three
weeks ago on the patch/stable branch. It didn't fix the issue.
No further kernel patches have been released since then
(the last is 004: RELIABILITY FIX: November 17, 2010). :(

I hope a solution would come up soon, I really like my OpenBSD AP.

The fastest way to get help is to help yourself.  Starting with "cvs
diff -u -rOPENBSD_4_7 -rOPENBSD_4_8 rt*" wouldn't be a bad way to go
about that.

For me this fixed the issue:
cvs up -D 2010/08/01 sys/dev/ic/rt2661* sys/dev/pci/if_ral_pci.c

The commit breaking it was dated 2010/08/04, just in case someone wants to investigate. But since it is working in current I don't see much sense doing that.


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