On 12/9/10 4:54 AM, Chandrakant Kumar wrote:
On Thursday 09 December 2010 05:39 PM, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera wrote:
On 05/12/10 23:04, Adam M. Dutko wrote:
I hope that one day due process is denied you.
I am wondering what type of due process should be granted to these
individuals. What basis/jurisdiction of law are we talking about?
human rights? US law? International Law? I'm just wondering because
I think
it's critical to the whole discussion. Julian Assange isn't a US
citizen so
the US Government probably feels justified doing whatever they want
even if
it is "unethical", yet many think he should be protected by some of
the US
justice code/process. Is due process universal?
If I kill a cow, should I be deported to India, and processed there
for that crime? (Note that in most parts of india, it IS a crime).
Oh, I live in Argentina, the largest exporter of cow-meat. Maybe we
should all be deported there.
Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
We are waiting for you here in India ;)
That's why Americans call cowburgers hamburgers, for fear of
repercussions from the holy land. But seriously, re-incarnation takes
care of all that. Meaning, if you kill a cow in this life, you come back
as a cow and someone can kill you. It's the Indian version of an eye for
an eye.