On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 08:24:29AM +0100, Leslie Jensen wrote:
> http://www.eskk.nu/gallery/?album=/bios/&picture=IMAG0115.jpg&fullsize=0
> Please advise me on what you think would be the best setting. Keeping in  
> mind that I do not want to corrupt data on the hard drive.

A year ago I used a Dell E6400 for work, and it seems like your E6500
has the same hard drive options. As far as I remember, I was able to
install OpenBSD 4.7 (-ish, a snapshot at the time) on its hard drive
when it was set to use AHCI. However, in AHCI-mode the cdrom drive
wasn't found. Changing from IRRT to AHCI and trying a install will
probably corrupt your data.

I gave up running OpenBSD on the laptop, as there was no X Video
Extension support for its NVIDIA graphics... Even a somewhat mighty Core
2 Duo isn't enough for software scaling.


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