On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 09:53:33PM +0000, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 09:22:12AM -0200, Shazaum wrote:
> > well, with Linux I have no problem ...
> linux support for realtek codecs alone is 5x as large as our
> driver for all of azalia.  likely they have some quirk for
> your specific bios/codec combo.

alsa has 2 different sets of quirks that match your bio/codec, one
is commented out.  so, when you say "Linux", what does that mean?
a vanilla kernel from kernel.org?  which version?  some distros

it seems this is a laptop?  if so, are you not getting sound on the
speaker, or not getting sound on the output jack, or both?

> > I have done all sorts of changes in controls, and no sound effect
> > 'll find which way do I change the codec, thanks
> have you tried -current yet?  it's not clear if you have or
> haven't.

still wondering about this ...

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