
I wouldn't say that there's anything wrong with the OpenBSD NFSv3
implementation, as the problems with NFSv3 are largely with the specification
(and/or the proliferation of specifications and protocols to deal with what's
not in the 1995 original). I'd anticipate a response not unlike evaluating
IPv4 vs. IPv6: granted the original is flawed, the fact that the successor
protocol is *supposed* to solve the problems of its predecessor doesn't mean
that it does as comprehensively or as well as hoped or that it doesn't have
problems of its own.

If I were looking for an objection to the OpenBSD implementation, I'd probably
follow the analogy between IPv4/IPv6 and NFSv3/NFSv4. Whereas OpenBSD
implements features like IPSec that are optional in IPv4 but mandatory in the
successor, the approach taken to the extensions in NFSv3 that were
subsequently made part of the core v4 spec seem to be displaced to transport-
rather than application-level measures (e.g. use IPSec rather than Kerberos
RPCSEC_GSS or RPCSEC_GSSv2, retaining system- rather than principal-based
authentication). Insofar as being stuck with NFSv3 means being stuck with
NFSv3 plus extensions or other supplements, I know that the interoperability
story across platforms is going to have some sad chapters.

Again, I'm not arguing that NFSv4 is or isn't a cure worse than the disease,
but I'm just as interested in what analysis may be available to argue that
conclusion if that's where the consensus is. I believe something similar was
done around IPv6 that helped feed back to changes in the protocol

I also suspect that consensus may have moved or divided around this. Looking
at a source like Secure Architectures with OpenBSD (admittedly written when
NFSv4 was rather over the horizon), I find that the relatively brief
concluding section on NFS security contends that, "NFSv4 offers significantly
more security via GSS API and Kerberos". To the extent that people may have
moved on from that view, it would be helpful if the reasoning were documented
and available for broader dissemination. Insofar as there may be some
agreement and clarity as to what to deploy instead of NFSv4 that improves on
vanilla NFSv3, I don't think it well-advertised.

Speaking more broadly, I have this general sense that NFSv4 has disappointed
and that adoption has lagged, although more in terms of deployment than
implementation (OpenBSD seems exceptional in this regard, although perhaps not
exceptionally so by its own standards). There seem to be a lot of summary
expressions, but I've not found anything that really argues the case against
it and outlines how to learn to live with something that isn't NFSv4 and the
bomb. In other words: it seems to me that OpenBSD's not implementing NFSv4 may
be a more decisive expression of objections that are elsewhere given more
mumbled expressionI'd just like to see the case laid out and an acceptable
alternative more clearly articulated.


On 27 Oct 2010, at 17:54, Henning Brauer wrote:

> * Bayard Bell <buffer.g.overf...@googlemail.com> [2010-10-27 17:19]:
>> Sorry, but it's not entirely clear where the obstacles are. Is this
>> unhappiness with the specification(s)? the code base for NFSv4 that's
>> been rolled into the other BSDs? something else?
> personally I haven't looked closely at nfsv4, but what I saw didn't
> please me.
> i am not aware of anybody else (from us) looking into it deeply.
> what problem do you think nfsv4 solves for you again? what's wrong
> with our nfs implementation?
> --
> Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
> BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
> Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services
> Dedicated Servers, Rootservers, Application Hosting

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