> > If I chroot then I can't do much at all right?
> > Unless I replicate/link like the entire system, minus login.
> You sai'd that you want to limit them, not I.

I just don't want them to be able to login as root.
  And I don't want a password for root.
  If they are on the console though, ok either way.
  That is a laxness I failed to mention would be ok.

> just test it. If your user is not in wheel then he can use login and
> enter root password, but even when he knows that password login will
> not enter root shell as you are not in wheel, but if you know root
> password then you don't need to play those games and you can destroy
> something directly ;-)

I will maybe poke around more.
But again, I don't want anything to depend on root password.
It should be empty and still be secure -- only allow password
login from console, not remote. Only allow ssh access remotely.

And I making sense?
I neither want to remember passwords nor have anyone be able to guess them.
  Which is almost a contradiction.
If someone is at the physical console, they can do anything.
So I should be able to login to the console w/o password.
And remote access only via ssh.

Since I haven't figured out how to configure this, instead I set the password
to "*"
which disallows any password-based login, including physical console.
If I ever really need console access, but haven't lost remote access,
I should be able to reboot remotely and then go to the machine and alter
the boot command line like to use single user mode. I certainly reboot
the machines remotely sometimes (e.g. for an upgrade). Though I haven't
needed single user mode yet, in a long time.

 - Jay

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