On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Jay K <jay.kr...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> You know, installing ports/packages often gives you random manual
> configuration advise, like:
> ===> B Installing jdk- from /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/
> jdk-
> ok
> --- +jdk- -------------------
> You may wish to add /usr/local/jdk-1.6.0/man to /etc/man.conf
> Use and distribution of this technology is subject to the Java Research
> License included herein.
> To use the Java plugin with Seamonkey or Firefox you must create
> a symbolic link (do not copy or hard link) from
> /usr/local/jdk-1.6.0/jre/plugin/amd64/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so
> to your local Mozilla plugins directory, which is found at
> ~/.mozilla/plugins/
> or to the shared Mozilla plugins directory, which is found at
> /usr/local/lib/mozilla-plugins/
> =
> 1) There should be a way to repeat all these messages for all installed
> packages.
> B Maybe there already is.

There is (see man pkg_info) and using binary packages is only
recommend solution for apps. Just small of amounts must be compiled
from ports like that jdk

> 2) Every time one of these is printed, the command that does #1 should be
> reported, possibly
> both for the specific packages, and all installed packages, or at least for
> all installed packages.
> (Don't make users remember what packages are installed or how to determine
> which are installed or which had the messages.)

There is pkg_info for manipulation of all data of all installed apps

> 3) "You may wish to add /usr/local/jdk-1.6.0/man to /etc/man.conf" isn't
> descriptive enough, I think,
> in that, when I looked into it, I didn't know what edit to make so I gave
> It should give a command. For that matter, so should the others.
> The Python messages give you actual copy/pastable commands.

man man.conf

> 3b) Maybe there should be a way to automate that further. But I suppose
> besides being
> optional, these things are also somewhat changable by user? I don't know.
> The Python ones surely could be automatic, without the -f.
> (ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python26 python or such)

Normally this is done automatically, only for some packages it's not.
And eg. Python can't be done automatically as there may be eg. 3
versions of it and you can't now which one that user wants.

> B - Jay

bIf youbre good at something, never do it for free.bB bThe Joker

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