You know, installing ports/packages often gives you random manual
configuration advise, like:

===>  Installing jdk- from /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/
--- +jdk- -------------------
You may wish to add /usr/local/jdk-1.6.0/man to /etc/man.conf
Use and distribution of this technology is subject to the Java Research
License included herein.

To use the Java plugin with Seamonkey or Firefox you must create
a symbolic link (do not copy or hard link) from


to your local Mozilla plugins directory, which is found at


or to the shared Mozilla plugins directory, which is found at


1) There should be a way to repeat all these messages for all installed
  Maybe there already is.

2) Every time one of these is printed, the command that does #1 should be
reported, possibly
both for the specific packages, and all installed packages, or at least for
all installed packages.
(Don't make users remember what packages are installed or how to determine
which are installed or which had the messages.)

3) "You may wish to add /usr/local/jdk-1.6.0/man to /etc/man.conf" isn't
descriptive enough, I think,
in that, when I looked into it, I didn't know what edit to make so I gave up.
It should give a command. For that matter, so should the others.
The Python messages give you actual copy/pastable commands.

3b) Maybe there should be a way to automate that further. But I suppose
besides being
optional, these things are also somewhat changable by user? I don't know.
The Python ones surely could be automatic, without the -f.
(ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python26 python or such)

 - Jay

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