* Scott McEachern <sc...@blackstaff.ca> [2010-10-16 05:31]:
> I sometimes see the snaps (or X) haven't been built for a few or
> more days, and I was just wondering why that is?

plenty of possibilities.
theo (or todd when it comes to X) was gone or had better stuff to do
a problem with copying snaps out
tree horribly broken (ok, doesn't happen, of course)

> Is the build automated, or manually run?


> If I see a snap hasn't been built for a while, I'll usually hold off
> on updating the source because something major might be only part
> way complete.  I'll wait until a new snap, install (or update) it,
> then update the source and build.  Is this silly?

a bit, yeah

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
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