>On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 6:18 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org>
>>>OpenBSD-current is most of the times an excellent quality system,
>>>better and more reliable than most other 'stable' systems. This may
>>>alter one's ability to keep his expectations where they should be.
>>>That being out of the way, you got me wondering what good is
>>>any integrity check which failure is OK.
>> Do you not want it to be there for official releases?
>> How about if I remove the code now.  Then 10 minutes before we make
>> a release, we put it back in, find out that it makes the media not fit
>> or some other issue has showed up....
>On one hand "mortals" are asked to run snapshots or -current because
>that's how issues are found and fixed, on the other hand -- cases such
>as this, where --  the "mortal" is accused to be a whiner.
>It is tough being mere mortal.

That is not our problem.

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