# man pf.conf

-> route-to
           The route-to option routes the packet to the specified interface
           with an optional address for the next hop.  When a route-to rule
           creates state, only packets that pass in the same direction as
           filter rule specifies will be routed in this way.  Packets
           in the opposite direction (replies) are not affected and are


2010/9/22 Beavis <pfu...@gmail.com>

> Greetings List,
> I would like to ask if someone has done routing via pf(4) (non-NAT
> rules). My idea is to be able to route packets from one interface to
> the other. say from tun0 to rl0. I've been googling a lot and most of
> the rules im seeing have something to do with NAT routes.
> any help would be awesomely appreciated.
> thanks,
> -b
> --
> ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
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