Thus said Claudio Jeker on Sat, 11 Sep 2010 11:28:31 +0200:

> Wrong UDP  is normaly  not a  fully defined  4 touple.  Especially the
> listening sockets  (on port 53)  can be  slammed with packets.  On the
> other hand, if the recvbuffer overflows then packets just get dropped.

Thank you for  the clarification. So basically, when a  socket is in the
LISTEN state, if  80 1k UDP packets are sent  concurrently to the server
from 80 different  source IPs, then roughly 50% of  them will be dropped
(assuming defaults), because the recvspace is dedicated only to this one

The recvspace for a response of DNS,  on the other hand, isn't likely to
be  consumed because  the only  packets coming  to it  will be  response
datagrams  from a  single  server  answering the  query,  and even  with
DNSSEC, and an answer  as large as the one returned for  an ANY query of, the recvspace isn't likely to be flooded.

TCP  is  the same  except  a  socket is  more  distinct  because of  the
connection tuple so the recvspace is more dedicated.

> The sendto() ENOBUFS errors that  got mentioned have a different cause
> (in most cases the interface send queue is overflowed).

Yes, I  suspected that  this reported error  was unrelated  to send/recv
space, because once the recvspace is full.



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