On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 09:41:59PM +0200, Martin PelikC!n wrote:
> I just updated my IPv6 address calculator and thought it might find
> its use in OpenBSD. It shouldn't contain any security risk, is small
> enough not to bloat the tree and handy enough to help admins visualize
> and plan their network's addressing or set those crazy PTRs properly.
> You can get it here: http://cap.potazmo.cz/software/ipv6calc/ipv6calc.c

Did you make sure the bCompact formb complies with [RFC5952]?

I haven't, and I am surely not saying it doesn't, but I thought it would
be good to mention that RFC if you did not already know about it.

[RFC5952] S. Kawamura and M. Kawashima, "A recommendation for IPv6
address text representation," RFC 5952 (Standards Track). [Online].
Available: http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5952.txt

Olivier Mehani <sht...@ssji.net>
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