Hi, did you try net/sipcalc ? It's quite fine I think.
2010/8/26 Martin PelikC!n <martin.peli...@gmail.com>: > Hello list, > I just updated my IPv6 address calculator and thought it might find > its use in OpenBSD. It shouldn't contain any security risk, is small > enough not to bloat the tree and handy enough to help admins visualize > and plan their network's addressing or set those crazy PTRs properly. > > As there is already net/ipv6calc port, which I don't really think is > much of use (uncomfortable operation, missing useful information and > containing lots of the irrelevant/unnecessary), there might be some > confusion. > > Even if it would be rejected, I hope it can reach more people through > the misc archives and helps to save them some time. Feel free to write > comments and suggestions. > > You can get it here: http://cap.potazmo.cz/software/ipv6calc/ipv6calc.c > > -- > Martin Pelikan > > -- bIf youbre good at something, never do it for free.bB bThe Joker