On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 08:13:59 +0200, Tomas Bodzar wrote:

>. So I think that only man here with need for psychiatrist is author
>of that posts/blog

Tomas (and others),
That line is all you need. If you need convincing go to the website and
look at some of the articles linked on the right hand column  of the
page you have already seen.

Pick out some of the "big names" and amaze youself at the filth and
wild imaginings exhibited there. NOT SAFE FOR KIDDIES!!

In this country he'd have been sued into bankruptcy if any of his
characters was an Australian citizen and he was resident here.

Take care...

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This life is not the real thing.
It is not even in Beta.
If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.

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