On 6/10/2010 1:44 AM, Casey Allen Shobe wrote:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Dexter Tomisson<dexterto...@gmail.com>wrote:


It's always funny when somebody ends up "leaving for their own good", that
they need to write a lot about it and try to convince many others to agree
with their notions.

Develop/use whatever you want - there are pros and cons to every open source
project out there.  You can fault find with Theo, or Stallman, or anyone
else.  But these individuals don't matter so much as overall project
usefulness, licensing/openness, etc.  What matters is simply that you find
something you feel rewarding to work on.  There is absolutely no reason to
try to drag others along with you.  For someone critical of Theo running
other developers off, you sure seem to be trying to do the same thing with
your post and by sharing it here.

Think before you rant,

IGNORE THIS, otherwise you are feeding the Trolls, hell the word troll is in the URL.

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