I didn't get the importance of having different addresses in part#1
and #2 and assumed from 'ifconfig tun0' [ ... ] inet --> netmask 0xfffffff [ ... ] that HISADDR did not change to a
valid one. I should have understood you were telling me the correct
syntax literally. I see that this configuration works and i understand
the syntax.
Sorry this took longer time than it should and thanks for following through.
I have found a great resource in 'Absolute OpenBSD: UNIX for the
Practical Paranoid' (ISBN 1886411999) and of course this was a great
first impression from this mailing list. I will try not to abuse it.
All the best to you

2010/5/24, J.C. Roberts <list-...@designtools.org>:
> I realize you must be frustrated while learning something new, but I am
> frustrated by you not paying attention. Now let's look at what I wrote
> one more time:
>>>      set ifaddr
>>>                  part#1      part#2      part#3   part#4
> The first chunk of part#1, namely '', says I want my IP address
> to be but the second chunk of part#1, namely the '/0', is a
> netmask which says I will accept any IP address the remote system wants
> me to use on my side.
> The first chunk of part#2, namely '', says I want the remote
> side to use IP address but the second chunk of part#2, namely
> the '/0', says I will accept any IP address the remote system wants to
> use on their side.
> The IP addresses (and netmasks) stated in part#1 and part#2 are
> important. They should never be the same, and they should never be set
> to default route address (''). This is why two separate private
> IP addresses are used in the above ( and, and also why
> the netmask '/0' in CIDR notation allows for the remote side to pick any
> address it wants to use for *both* your IP address and its IP address.
> If you forget the CIDR notation netmask on part#1 or part#2, you are
> DEMANDING that the specified address be used, and if the other side
> disagrees, your side will disconnect.
> The part#3 is the netmask assigned on my side to the resulting
> connection after we negotiate addresses. Links between two systems made
> with Point to Point Protocol (ppp) are "weird" in comparison to typical
> network links, and some operating systems do not have a specific
> PointToPoint netmask in the network stack, so the netmask must be
> faked. Using '' as the part#3 netmask tells the ppp program to
> use what is available and the result is ppp will typically set the
> netmask to '' automatically.
> The part#4 is the trigger address which controls when ppp will try to
> establish a connection. Since we set part#4 to the equivalent of "any
> address" namely '' any attempt to contact another system will
> result in ppp automatically establishing the connection. The thing to
> realize is is roughly equivalent to a default route.
> The stuff you are doing is just plain wrong:
>>  set ifaddr
>>>            part#1      part#2                  part#3   part#4
> Prior to negotiating address, you are saying your IP address will
> initially be and the remote IP address will also initially be
>  The problem is, when two systems have the same IP address you
> have a conflict. Additionally, since equates to the default
> route, this is very bad. Needless to say, the ppp(8) software is
> compensating for your mistakes and doing the best it can with your
> broken config.
> In the second chunk of your part#1, namely '/0', this netmask says that
> you will accept any IP address the other side wants you to use. This is
> good.
> In the second chunk of part#3, namely '-' is using the
> wrong syntax. The ppp(8) program might interpret this as a range of
> addresses, or might interpret it as a pair of addresses, or it might
> interpret it as a netmask. You should use simple CIDR notation as
> described in the ppp man page.
> If ppp(8) is interpreting this bad second chunk of part#3 as a netmask,
> the you are *DEMANDING* that the remote system use or as
> its IP address, and if the remote side refuses to use one of those two
> addresses, then you will disconnect.
>       jcr

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