Hahahhaha. Try downloading psexec and similar tools from microsoft and
get them to ban microsoft.com as a hacking site!!!! :)

On 4/24/10, Steve Shockley <steve.shock...@shockley.net> wrote:
> On 4/24/2010 9:20 AM, Danny wrote:
>> Here is a screenshot of what the IT guys at my work thinks of OpenBSD.
>> Before I
>> took this screenshot I could access www.openbsd.org for about an hour.
> Did you download any ports?  I know a lot of IDS vendors trigger when
> they see "hacking tools" like nmap downloaded via FTP, so then they
> blocked access.

Sent from my mobile device

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-- Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation.
"Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse - external or
internal - is akin to trying to install sprinklers in a fireworks
factory where smoking on the job is permitted."  -- Gene Spafford
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