On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Nick Holland
<n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:
> (I remember my first e-mail from Theo.  Three words: "you are insane".
>  Well over a decade later, I'm STILL not sure if it was a complement
> or an insult -- the phrase gets used both ways -- but the accuracy was
> never in question (it was in response to something about explosives
> and pointy objects and computer components))

The first email I got from Theo

" This is an FAQ. You did not do your home work"

Well it was an FAQ.

Dear Zachary,

After reading the mail from Theo I don't think that it was very rude
actually. He was directing you to the web where you could get more
detailed answers than he can give. I am sure he has not multi booted
Linux, Windows on Grub2 and I don't think he can give an authoritative
answer as to what the current situation is. Where as some user who has
tried it can tell you so he asked you to use the Web. Actually it can
be done.

The second thing is when you have such a general question like this
why write to the Project Leader at all?
You should have at least found out the openbsd mailinglist and asked it

For all questions like this it is not fair to burden developers. As
Theo said it looks so funny.
It should be asked to other users. Developers can be queried for tough
Ask the list and you find that developers do answer even some silly
questions these days!

Why consider yourself so important that the project leader himself
should reply to you when you ask simple questions like that?
Just think about it.

Since you are a newbie may I direct you to the openbsd-newbies
mailing-list maintained by Peter Hessler?
See you there!



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