On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Greg Thomas <get.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Aaron Glenn <aaron.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> sincerity by itself is useless. if you can't take the time to read the
>> concise, thoughtfully produced information provided in both manual
>> pages, the FAQ, and the mailing list archives then you will most
>> definitely be told to gfy and read what has been painstakingly written
>> for your benefit. any other response is borne from pity.
> Not reading the fine documentation is a sign of obvious insincerity.

Because most Linux distros' have inaccurate/incomplete documentation
most of the time, it is difficult to find "reliable" answers. Hence,
the tendency of linux users to ask questions first.

Obviously, my experience strongly indicates that OpenBSD strives very
hard for the same level of correctness in their documentation, as
their code and hence folks get most of the stuff from the docs (either
the man pages, or the FAQ).

This is a cultural difference, and I don't see Linux bridging that gap
anytime soon -- they are too busy with adding bell and whistles to the
kernel, that are useless most of the time for most of the folks.


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