> ls -l /var/db/pkg/ > > do you see anything with, as it says, partial prepended to the port/ > package name? Also, if you watch while you're installing a port or > package, it installs the ports/packages it needs first, then the > port or package you originally wanted installed last. Consequently, > if you stopped the php5 installation part of the way through while > it was still installing all its dependencies, php5 isn't installed. > So, it makes sense if it says "don't know how to make uninstall", > since it isn't installed. > > Look for the port with partial prepended to its name, then do > > pkg_info -L partial-port-whatever >
Hi Denny, Thanks so much for the reply! I don't get anything related to 'partial' when i do ls -l /var/db/pkg/ But I have two; autoconf-2.13p1 autoconf-2.61p3 and php5-core-5.2.12. I want to delete the php5 and all its related dependencies/files, and re-install it again with only a single FLAVOR. Would pkg_delete -iv -F ambiguous,baddepend,dependencies,uninstalled php5* > /tmp/pkglist help?