
Inside the /ports/www/php5 directory,

i made;
env FLAVORS="no_x11 no_bz2 no_curl no_gmp no_imap no_ldap
no_sybase_ct no_xmlrpc no_xsl no_zip" make install.

But i notified that the installation was installing all these packages
as well, (env FLAVORS not working?) so, i interrupted the setup with CTRL+C.

Now i would like to remove all the files it installed.
"make uninstall" says;
make: don't know how to make uninstall. Stop in /usr/ports/www/php5.
and as i know, make clean will only remove the .tgz/.tar.gz compressed files.
So how can i completely remove ALL the installed files with php5 port?

Sorry for my newbie question.

Thanks a lot.

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