On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 17:43:43 +0200 (EET)
Ozgur Kazancci <ozgur.kazan...@info.uvt.ro> wrote:

> Hello.
> Is this a joke?

Uh, yes, i guess your mail could be considered a joke by some people. (:

There is nothing wrong with cripling an os by deleting files, if one
isn't hurting enough yet.
If some random textfile referencing 2.8 helps you achieve what you
want, go for it.

There is alot of outdated and bad advice on the internet, how suprising.

Discussions about the general feasabilty of stripping down
operating-systems in security and maintanence context can be found with
your search engine of choice and don't need to be duplicated here.

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