Well that depends really.

If you dont need something why have it on you're machine?
    Even if it's not a networked application it may make life easier
one someone does crack their way into you're machine.

Personally I like to lock things down as much as possible, just
because I find that in the long run it makes my life easier.
    You're mileage may vary, however.

On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Ozgur Kazancci
<ozgur.kazan...@info.uvt.ro> wrote:
> Hello.
> Is this a joke?
> (Removing OpenBSD unnecessary and/or dangerous files)
> http://geodsoft.com/howto/harden/OpenBSD/remove.txt
> ( http://geodsoft.com/howto/harden/OpenBSD/remove_files.htm )
> --
> Ozgur

"Opportunity is most often missed by people because it is dressed in
overalls and looks like work."
    Thomas Alva Edison
    Inventor of 1093 patents, including:
        The light bulb, phonogram and motion pictures.

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