On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 09:37:38PM -0500, STeve Andre' wrote: > On Friday 26 February 2010 21:25:51 Richard Toohey wrote: > > On 27/02/2010, at 3:04 PM, Joel Wiramu Pauling wrote: > > > Let me clear on this. > > > > > > Yes you can. > > > > > > Follow the BSD licence terms (none of which say anything about for > > > profit) and you are fine. > > > > > > There is absolutely zero legal reason you cannot put together a cd of > > > OpenBSD and sell it. The official CD has some further licencing > > > restrictions, so if you were to copy it verbatim it would constitute a > > > breach of these terms. > > > > > > But if you create your own and sell it. No problem. > > > > "No problem"? Maybe not (I don't know) a legal/licence problem, but you > > are biting the hand that feeds / killing the golden goose. > > > > http://www.openbsd.org/ > > > > "The project pays for the development environment and developer events by > > selling CDs ... These finances ensure that OpenBSD will continue to exist > > ..." > > > > But I sense another troll ... > > I don't. A lot of people are genuinely confused & curious about this BSD > thing, the operating system and license. The number of times I've explained > (or tried to) the BSD license vs. GPL numbers in the dozens now. > > People here are far too quick to label questions like this as trolling. > Sure, > there are people who like to stir the pot up, but there are a lot more > clueless people out there--clueless meaning not understanding, where > we all were, at one point. >
FWIW - This person posted the same question to the freebsd-questions list a couple of days ago. It was handled there in basically the same way it is being handled here. There person never responded (to that list) either. So, his/her motivations (other than financial) were never revealed (too the list). I have yet to see the OP ask this question on the netBSD list. I suspect it is coming. -Neal