On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Rod Whitworth <glis...@witworx.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 02:12:53 -0300, Victor Tarabola Cortiano wrote:
> >You could sell it for profit too if OpenBSD were GPLed, or any other
> >free software license.
> >
> Now, that sounds like trolling to me or else severe ignorance.
> As some earlier poster/s stated, you <can> sell an OpenBSD CD for a
> profit. Just not a literal copy of the release CD.
> As for being able to do it with GPL CDs - Try doing it with HedRat,
> particularly any of the RHEL lines. You'll find out quickly that the

Uh Rod, the same thing that prevents someone from selling a copy of the
OpenBSD release CD is what RedCrap uses too - you are not allowed to use
RedCrap copyrighted things, logos, artwork, etc.  The GPL portion you can
reproduce and resell all day long, the same as the BSD licensed part of

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