* Michael Lechtermann <mich...@lechtermann.net> [2010-02-22 22:45]:
> Hi,
> >>> it's a slightly weird side-effect. a quick glance indicates that the
> >>> tzero timestamp is part of the stats struct and tables don't keep
> >>> stats/counters by default any more. for some time tho. i don't
> >>> remember any recent changes to the table code (as if anybody wanted to
> >>> touch that mess)
> >> "by default", does that mean it is possible to somehow keep the
> >> stats/counters with a configuration option and have it work again?
> > 
> > Add 'counters' to the table definition.
> That didn't fix it. The stats are shown now, but the dates are still
> jumping around. :-(

then sth else is broke :(

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
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