Tobias Ulmer wrote:
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 02:13:45PM -0700, Jeff Ross wrote:
I have searched (and searched) so I wonder if I'm running into the
i386 1GB limit I see referenced, as in the thread today about fsck
on larger partitions.

Yes you do. Also, kernel memory is limited, insane shm value will
probably (havn't looked at the code) have bad effects.


By what definition of insane? I'd like to be able to say to the PostgreSQL folks that their sizing model doesn't work on OpenBSD because of x but this is the correct way to size on OpenBSD.

Also, I just saw a message from in the same thread referenced above that amd64 is also limited to, if I'm reading between the lines correctly, 3GB physical memory.

The postgresql people suggest it is a ulimit problem but I have followed the README.OpenBSD there as well and put the _postgresql user in its own login class with increased openfiles-cur limits. Unfortunately that has not helped.


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