On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Claudio Jeker <cje...@diehard.n-r-g.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 02:51:32PM -0500, Nick Guenther wrote:
>> and just to add to the pyre...
>> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Claudio Jeker <cje...@diehard.n-r-g.com> 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Ugh, a programming language where you can't copy paste from xterm to xterm
>> > without fucking up the program is just way to much pain to work on.
>> >On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Ted Unangst <ted.unan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > for many people who are a little suspicious of the whole
>> > whitespace thing, when your first taste of the language is hours spent
>> > fixing the whitespace, you aren't inclined to use it any more than
>> > necessary.
>> Your losses then. Python isn't so much a language of recipes, it's a
>> language of ideas.
> Python is a bit like mother russia, it is thinking for you.
>> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Henning Brauer <lists-open...@bsws.de> 
>> wrote:
>> > * Floor Terra <flo...@gmail.com> [2009-12-19 19:10]:
>> >>
>> >> In my experience (mostly python and c), code that has been pasted has
>> >> a higher bug density.
>> >>
>> >> It's worse with Python because of the indentation (tabs vs. spaces),
>> >> but as a general rule I would say never copy/paste code.
>> >
>> > boo hoo.
>> >
>> > there are very valid uses of copied code, or extremely similiar code
>> > (copy & paste and change a few things). we have that many times in the
>> > tree.
>> Python is about thinking about what you're doing. It's one of those
>> languages that forces you to work on a higher level (not that there
>> aren't lots of places where python is used as a scripting
>> language--that code tends to come out badly, but that's because it's
>> written just to get the job done).
> Yeah, we C-programmers are just mastrubating monkeys poking the typewrite
> till it produces compiling code. If you don't think about what your doing
> you get the crap code you see everywhere and it is not depending on the
> language used.
>> Ideal code is abstracted code, what possible use does repeating
>> yourself in the tree have? I know drivers have to declare a common set
>> of globals and make some macro calls and various entry-points are
>> found by sticking to a naming scheme, but that's trivia, hardly enough
>> to justify "valid uses for copied code". Anytime I find myself wanting
>> to copy some code it's always meant I've stumbled over an abstraction
>> I haven't made yet, so what in the world is src/ doing that -requires-
>> copied code?
> Code abstraction is nice until you have to update a vendor driver or some
> other highly abstracted nightmare. Been there, done that, got the
> nightmares. Sometimes it is far better to copy a few lines instead of
> abstracting an interface until it is unusable.
> No programming language will redeem people from thinking and designing
> their projects correctly.

I should make it more clear what I was saying: knowing the basics of
python can't force you to write good code (in fact the python stdlib
is full of shitty shitty code--the web stuff is particularly terrible)
but there's something about working in it that lets me approach
problems in a different way then I would have otherwise.

(of course the near-ultimate end of this line of thinking is lisp,
where you can define syntax for any construct you want to abstract,
but lisp personally I find lisp too wordy--that's just me though)

And I didn't mean "abstracting" in the way that C++/Java people mean
it. I've fought tooth and nail against indirection in the name of
"simplification" before. Come on.

On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Darrin Chandler
<dwchand...@stilyagin.com> wrote:
> Python is regularly used by myself and others for scripting and it
> comes out just fine. Sometimes I work at a higher level and other times
> not, as the situation calls for. Doing things The UNIX Way(tm) means
> some programs are simple filters that do not benefit from large numbers
> of abstraction layers. Far from forcing me, Python allows me to write in
> a way appropriate to the task at hand.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that scripting people wrote bad
code. I was thinking more like the add-ons to QuantumGIS.

>> Your losses then. Python isn't so much a language of recipes, it's a
>> language of ideas.
> Oh my.
> A language of ideas should mean that ideas are concisely expressible in
> code, and that reading the code should convey the meaning. So you see an
> idea on the web somewhere and paste the idea into your code and it's
> broken? Idea fail!
> I like Python, but this "language of ideas" bit is silly.

Ideas as in the structure of the program, not as in "communication".
Yes you can write any data/dependency/etc structure in any language,
but some languages let you do it easier, and I've found python to be
the easiest that I've tried (which is, afterall, their stated goal).

> Oh my.
> Python didn't invent abstraction. There's a lot of abstraction in the
> tree, you know, in plain old C. Some kinds of abstraction are easier in
> some languages, but there are often trade-offs. How many times per
> second does an ethernet driver get called when there's a lot of traffic?

Yeah yeah, I would trust that there's abstraction in the tree (more in
OpenBSD than most), but I didn't know why you wouldn't always try to
make the smallest code. I hadn't thought about execution time, it's
true, but even then I would think it's better to define a template and
fill in the blanks somehow instead of copy-pasting.

Anyway, enough /noise/, I can see that this is just going to end with
misunderstood words.


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