On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Nick Guenther <kou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Python is about thinking about what you're doing. It's one of those
> languages that forces you to work on a higher level (not that there
> aren't lots of places where python is used as a scripting
> language--that code tends to come out badly, but that's because it's
> written just to get the job done).
> Ideal code is abstracted code, what possible use does repeating
> yourself in the tree have? I know drivers have to declare a common set
> of globals and make some macro calls and various entry-points are
> found by sticking to a naming scheme, but that's trivia, hardly enough
> to justify "valid uses for copied code". Anytime I find myself wanting
> to copy some code it's always meant I've stumbled over an abstraction
> I haven't made yet, so what in the world is src/ doing that -requires-
> copied code?

I must disagree here... there's nothing about *any* programming
language [1] that forces one to work on a higher level.  That's up to
the programmer.  I've seen even the simplest tasks, or ones that
scream for a nice, simple abstraction, done horribly (if at all) in
any language, including python.  My experience grading countless
programs from freshman-senior students, which are increasingly written
in python, show it's not the programming language... it's the

Good design + good coding practices + tons-o-work  forces one to think
more and come up with a better design, not the language.


[1] except of course for Haskell, the ONE TRUE GOD of proper programming :P

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