On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 02:38:20PM +0100, Claudio Jeker wrote: > On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 06:17:50AM -0700, Darrin Chandler wrote: > > On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 01:54:54PM +0100, ropers wrote: > > > 2009/12/19 Henning Brauer <lists-open...@bsws.de>: > > > > any excuse to not know python is a good and valid one. any. > > > > > > If you have the time, I'd love to hear you elaborate. So far most > > > people whose opinion I value have only said good things about Python. > > > You're the first person whose opinion I respect to go against that. > > > > You just need to talk to more people, then. Lots of people don't like > > Python. Same for Perl, Ruby, or anything else. I've heard several devs > > say they don't like Python but I have yet to hear any of them actually > > give a reason. Ask them why they don't like C++ and you get a big list > > of everything that's wrong with it. Ask about Python and you get "it > > sucks" or "it's awful" or something. So I think it's just a matter of > > taste. > > > > Or maybe Henning has actual reasons. I haven't heard him talk about > > Python before so I don't know. Henning? > > > > Ugh, a programming language where you can't copy paste from xterm to xterm > without fucking up the program is just way to much pain to work on. > The indenting of code is an optical help but should not change the > behaviour of the program. For me it is important to be able to write code > with style(9) in mind (and I think most other BSD developpers think > similar because our code all looks similar).
I have often done copy/paste with Python code between xterms. Of course you must fix indenting. If you naively copy/paste C you will also have issues of syntax and meaning, but if you are so used to looking at C code that the meaning in the new context is immediately obvious without thinking then you will not notice. Instead you just fix/adjust it in place and move on. Some people will never like indent having meaning. But there is value in having an 'else' that *looks* like it belongs with an 'if' actually belong to that 'if', *because* it looks like it does. You don't ever have to like Python, but indenting to make blocks is perfectly cromulent. It's not a deficiency, it's just different. -- Darrin Chandler | Phoenix BSD User Group | MetaBUG dwchand...@stilyagin.com | http://phxbug.org/ | http://metabug.org/ http://www.stilyagin.com/ | Daemons in the Desert | Global BUG Federation