You may find those stories very descriptive about situation :

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:43 AM, Daniel Zhelev <> wrote:
> Thanks for replay Constantine, Aaron.
> I`ll wrote a mail to nvidia. I know that all systems different from windows
> have issues
> with them, but i didn`t think they will "hide" the code for 5 years old
> hardware (real innovations can be stolen). The reason I tough my nvidia
> hardware was "open" is that in fact sensors worked in linux but I never
> checked why, and linux never said it use blobs for my hardware which is not
> so correct.
> Unfortunately current marked edition is not suitable for the purpose of that
> machine, so I`ll wait for 4.7-stable to try aibs.
> Thank you for your attention.
> Best regards.


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