On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 4:57 PM, L. V. Lammert <l...@omnitec.net> wrote:

> At 03:27 PM 10/7/2009 +0100, Peter Kay - Syllopsium wrote:
>> From: "L. V. Lammert" <l...@omnitec.net>
>>> On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, Peter Kay - Syllopsium wrote:
>>>  It's VirtualBox - looks like it's still crap. VMWare works fine, so does
>>>> qemu.
>>> As does VirtualBox with proper hardware support (AMD64 Socket AM2), ..
>>> though we do not use X on VMx.
>> Are you seriously saying VirtualBox is a viable option by specifying one
>> hardware
>> platform? I don't see why AMD64 really helps, or AM2 for that matter -
>> some
>> AMD platforms have iommu but that shouldn't be relevant either.
> No, I am reinforcing two complementary points:
> 1) Hardware support is required to run OBSD on VirtualBox, and it runs on
> AMD64AM2;
> 2) Virtualbox can be used as a host for OBSD with AMD64AM2.
> Sorry, thought that would have been obvious. Nothing more, nothing less.
>        Lee
I am using VirtualBox 3.0.8 on OS X and the following OSs run better than
they do in VMware Server on an identical laptop running RHEL.

FreeBSD 6.2-7.2
OpenBSD 4.3-4.5
RHEL 4-5.4
Windows 2003 and XP

"Opportunity is most often missed by people because it is dressed in
overalls and looks like work."
   Thomas Alva Edison
   Inventor of 1093 patents, including:
       The light bulb, phonogram and motion pictures.

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