On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 00:14, Marco Peereboom <sl...@peereboom.us> wrote:
> This fixes it.  I need to come up with a way to get this in the tree
> without breaking IBM T21.

Indeed it does. Where I originally noticed the problem very quickly
after system startup, it now seems to have disappeared. I still see
acpidump segfaulting (but I can't tell whether that's a related issue
or not). Tested on GENERIC.MP built this morning.

dmesg 4.6-current (Oct. 4, amd64)

acpidump 4.6-current (Oct. 4, amd64)
(acpidump still segfaults when run; if desired, I have the core file saved)

If I can be of help testing further, please let me know. Thanks for
the quick response.



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