On Sat, Oct 03, 2009 at 05:14:15PM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> This fixes it.  I need to come up with a way to get this in the tree
> without breaking IBM T21.
> ...

Thank you very much, Marco. I can't wait to try the diff. Unfortunately,
I don't have time today or tomorrow, so you'll have to wait for
potential feedback...

Rogier: I experience the same thing. Among a couple of other dmesg@
mails, I sent the following mail in August:

----- Forwarded message from Martin Toft <m...@martintoft.dk> -----

Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 11:31:09 +0200
From: Martin Toft <m...@martintoft.dk>
To: dm...@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: Dell Latitude E6400, everything works, had to switch disk 
controller to ATA (from IRR) in BIOS to detect disk

Some things I've discovered since I sent the dmesg:

- The cdrom drive isn't detected when the disk controller is set to ATA
  in BIOS. This is also the case in Ubuntu Linux 9.04 (I dual-boot
  OpenBSD and Ubuntu).
- The laptop's keyboard is very annoying in OpenBSD. With about 10-20
  second intervals, either single key presses are lost or a key press is
  repeated 5-10 times. My guess is that it's an USB keyboard, and
  OpenBSD is probably not powering down (or up) the relevant USB
  controller properly in connection with halt (or boot). It's a wild
  guess, of course.

As a non-expert, I unfortunately have no solution for the keyboard
problem. I'm ready to test anything sent in my direction.

Thanks for a great OS.

Best regards,

----- End forwarded message -----

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