* Vadim Zhukov <persg...@gmail.com> [2009-09-25 06:36]:
> Hello all, especially network hackers (you write cool code, BTW, thanks!)
> (Sending this email to another list as now it's more technical. I hope)
> Stupid me finally found the reasons for such route-to/reply-to behavior:
> /usr/src/sbin/pfctl/parse.y (introduced in 1.563 and modified later):
>                                 /* fake redirspec */
>                                 if (($9.rdr.rdr = calloc(1,
>                                     sizeof(*$9.rdr.rdr))) == NULL)
>                                         err(1, "$9.rdr.rdr");
>                                 $9.rdr.rdr->host = $5.host;
> /usr/src/sys/net/pf_ioctl.c:
>                 if (rule->rt > PF_FASTROUTE &&
>                     (TAILQ_FIRST(&rule->rdr.list) == NULL))
>                         error = EINVAL;
> So as far as I can understand, pf_rule.rdr pool is used for 
> route-to/reply-to/dup-to options. Now I have a few stupid questions:
> 1. Is it intended to have only one address pool for 
> rdr-to/route-to/reply-to/dup-to options in the rule? Or did I 
> misinterpreted something?

this was intended but is a bit nasty so we'll go for a seperate pool
for the route stuff (route-to/reply-to/dup-to)

> 2. Is it OK if I'll hack it to make possible even crazy rule like this:
>     pass in on $if1 from $a to $b rdr-to $c \
>          route-to ($if3 $gt3) reply-to ($if2 $gt2) dup-to $if4

this doesn't work right now, see above, that soves it

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
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