On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 01:39:46PM -0400, Tom Smith wrote:
> Hi Misc,
> Even though this article: http://bulk.fefe.de/scalability was many years ago
> and performance in OpenBSD had improved greatly since that time, I still
> hear people (mostly younger people) complain about OpenBSD performance. They
> cite poor threading, unused cores, no bigmem support, etc. Yet, when asked
> outright to demonstrate their issue, no one can show numbers or reproduce a
> performance issue. How do others defend OpenBSD in these conversations? I
> normally cite the things I admire most about OpenBSD:

Yeah, it is always the same crap that is cited everywhere.
The performance problems his benchmarks have shown on connect, bind and
accept were solved in 2003 (quickly after he published his rant).
Since then OpenBSD has an approximate O(1) behaviour like all the other
The biggest flaw with all those great benchmark articles is that their
often flawed and the people behind them are biased to show whatever they
like to prove. In the end many of fefe's test programs did not actually
measure what he assumed they would.

:wq Claudio

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