If you think micro benchmarks are worth anything you have a micro
understanding of the problem.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 01:39:46PM -0400, Tom Smith wrote:
> Hi Misc,
> Even though this article: http://bulk.fefe.de/scalability was many years ago
> and performance in OpenBSD had improved greatly since that time, I still
> hear people (mostly younger people) complain about OpenBSD performance. They
> cite poor threading, unused cores, no bigmem support, etc. Yet, when asked
> outright to demonstrate their issue, no one can show numbers or reproduce a
> performance issue. How do others defend OpenBSD in these conversations? I
> normally cite the things I admire most about OpenBSD:
> 1. Simplicty - (IMO, this is by far its greatest attribute... simple is
> secure)
> 2. OpenSSH
> 3. pf, carp, OpenBGPD
> 4. built-in security
> 5. ports collection
> But, I'd like to have hard technicaly data to demonstrate that while Linux
> and FreeBSD may scale to a gazillion CPUs and PetaBytes of Memory that
> OpenBSD makes a fine firewall or desktop or mail server, etc and point out
> that the old article so many people cite is indeed *old*.
> Thanks for any suggestions. I hate seeing such a fine OS so easily dismissed
> by folks (many of whom) have never even tried it!

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