On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:26:45AM -0500, Chris Bennett wrote:
> Landry Breuil wrote:
> >On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Jan-Erik Skata<jesk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  
> >>On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Jan Stary <h...@stare.cz> wrote:
> >>
> >>    
> >>>I need to transfer some old VHS tapes into (any) digital video format.
> >>>On OpenBSD of course. I understand I need
> >>>
> >>>(1) a VCR, obviously, to play those tapes
> >>>(2) a TV card that can input what the VCR outputs
> >>>(3) a piece of software that can capture the input
> >>>
> >>>Before I start shopping 80's style, does anyone have some general
> >>>DO/DONT advice about (2) and (3), or even a complete working solution?
> >>>
> >>>(Excuse my lameness, I never did any video work.)
> >>>
> >>>       Thanks for your time
> >>>
> >>>               Jan
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>Think you might want to use Linux instead. Very few, if any, tuners are
> >>supported under OpenBSD, while Linux has reasonable support both for 
> >>analog
> >>and digital (DVB/ATSC) cards. You probably just need an analog card with
> >>S-VHS/composite in.
> >>    
> >
> >All the bt848-based cards works through bktr(4), with composite input.
> >to watch composite input, use mplayer -tv
> >device=/dev/bktr0:driver=bsdbt848:input=1 tv://
> >.. i suppose mencoder would be able to record, though i didn't test.
> >
> >Landry
> >
> >  
> As I understand, there is No Audio support for bktr, just video.
> I suppose audio could be recorded using another card, but that sounds 
> hard to make work well.

bktr(4) doesn't create an audio(4) device, but it does allow you
to enable analog audio out from the card.  the analog out from the
bktr card is plugged into the input on an audio(4) device and
you record from that.

and that's exactly what mplayer/mencoder expect.

> You can watch a video with mplayer AND listen to a separate audio stream 
> with something like mplayer -audiofile VHS.mp3 VHS_video.mp4.

totally not necessary.

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