On Aug 17 16:06:05, Peter Kay - Syllopsium wrote:
>> From: "Jan Stary" <h...@stare.cz>
>> I need to transfer some old VHS tapes into (any) digital video format.
>> On OpenBSD of course. I understand I need
>> (1) a VCR, obviously, to play those tapes
>> (2) a TV card that can input what the VCR outputs
>> (3) a piece of software that can capture the input
>> Before I start shopping 80's style, does anyone have some general
>> DO/DONT advice about (2) and (3), or even a complete working solution?
> I wouldn't start from there. Video capture isn't exactly my area, but my  
> solution would be :
> If it's only a couple of tapes - get someone else to do it. If it's old  
> episodes of TV programmes - buy it on DVD/Bluray instead.

I wouldn't even consider converting something that is readily available
in digital form. The analog VHS material is not available elsewhere,
and is slowly deteriorating on these tapes.

> Otherwise :
> 1) Find decent hardware (not TV cards) that can capture compressed video 
> in real time (2nd hand ebay may help).

You mean UNcompressed, right?

> In particular, my (limited) experience is that video capture on TV cards 
> is A Bit Shit, and capturing uncompressed video is not fun, even if 
> modern hardware is probably adequate to handle it.

After consulting other video people, I will use a digital video camera
that can take analog input from a VCR and save it.

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