I am running 4.3 and the problem arised after upgrading from a previous version.
Well spotted :-)
Thanks a lot!

Philip Guenther wrote:
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Per-Erik Persson<p...@fos.su.se> wrote:
mountd and and imaps occupies the same port 993.

Are the any good ways of telling openbsd  that mountd should not use that

Upgrade to OpenBSD 4.4 or later, as that version made /etc/rc
automatically tell the kernel to not assign to dynamic services any of
the ports mentioned in /etc/services, and imaps has been in
/etc/services since 3.something.

If you're running 4.4 or later, please verify that
1) /etc/services contains "imaps 993/tcp"
2) you're running the stock /etc/rc
3) the output of "sysctl net.inet.tcp.baddynamic" contains ',993,'
4) that you're running a stock mountd

Philip Guenther


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