On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Per-Erik Persson<p...@fos.su.se> wrote:
> mountd and and imaps occupies the same port 993.
> Are the any good ways of telling openbsd  that mountd should not use that
> port.

Upgrade to OpenBSD 4.4 or later, as that version made /etc/rc
automatically tell the kernel to not assign to dynamic services any of
the ports mentioned in /etc/services, and imaps has been in
/etc/services since 3.something.

If you're running 4.4 or later, please verify that
1) /etc/services contains "imaps 993/tcp"
2) you're running the stock /etc/rc
3) the output of "sysctl net.inet.tcp.baddynamic" contains ',993,'
4) that you're running a stock mountd

Philip Guenther

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