Joachim Schipper wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 12:00:31AM +0300, Cem Kayali wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>>     -I       If scripts exist for a given package, do not execute them.
>> This does not work... I will re-check, but "pkg_add -vvvI" shows that  
>> scripts are executed.
>> Well, one of my client would like to run any 3rd party script only as  
>> regular user.
> Not to be annoying, but this is pretty pointless. (S)he has already
> installed OpenBSD and is installing the port in question; in other
> words, (s)he has already decided to trust the OpenBSD and port authors,
> and to some extent the port maintainer as well. Letting the port run
> scripts doesn't require trusting anyone that isn't already trusted.

I agree, but still there is a difference in that the @{un,}exec stuff
would always be run as root.

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