On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 12:00:31AM +0300, Cem Kayali wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply.
>     -I       If scripts exist for a given package, do not execute them.
> This does not work... I will re-check, but "pkg_add -vvvI" shows that  
> scripts are executed.
> Well, one of my client would like to run any 3rd party script only as  
> regular user.
Not to be annoying, but this is pretty pointless. (S)he has already
installed OpenBSD and is installing the port in question; in other
words, (s)he has already decided to trust the OpenBSD and port authors,
and to some extent the port maintainer as well. Letting the port run
scripts doesn't require trusting anyone that isn't already trusted.


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